Simlatus Corp (SIML) Stock Fell By 16%, Is There Any Explanation For This?

Shares of media broadcast and interactive solutions provider Simlatus Corp (OTC: SIML) closed Wednesday at $0.0060, down -15.49 percent, and has been trading in a range of $0.0088 to $0.0050.

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Neither linked news nor other related news has impacted the stock price. So, the stock’s previous performance can clear the picture for us. The last month has seen Simlatus shares surge over 900.00%; with an average volume of over 417.82M shares over the month. In the past three months, SIML stock has gained over 29000%, with an average daily trading volume of 332.34M. During last year, the stock lost over -93.80% of its value, reaching a high of $0.4998 and have a current market cap of $24.01M.

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What does the company do?

For more than 15 years, Simlatus has developed, manufactured, marketed, owned, and marketed proprietary commercial broadcast equipment and software, and sold it worldwide.

  • It provides DirecTV services as well as Internet access in the San Francisco metropolitan area to high-rise apartments, condos, and large office buildings.
  • Among Simlatus’ exciting new products are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) solutions running on Google and Apple platforms.
  • Moreover, it produces commercial and medical-grade CBD, as well as pharmaceutical grade, cold-water/alcohol CBD extraction systems for medical grade applications.
  • Based in Grass Valley, California, Simlatus Corporation provides software and services to companies in the broadcast, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries.

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In addition to their more than 50 proprietary products, SIML manufactures and distributes products through a distribution channel, and distributes products via their website.

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