Let’s find out how shares of AIkido Pharma Inc. (AIKI) rallied after the market closed

The stock price of AIkido Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: AIKI) soared more than 29% in the ‎after-hours session last night after the company revealed positive results from its ‎sponsored Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Research program on patients suffering ‎from Pancreatic Cancer.‎

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In the US, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the third leading cancer-related cause of ‎death. PDA is on the rise, as it is significantly associated with obesity, smoking, and diabetes. ‎A significant obstacle to PDA treatment is that the majority of diagnoses are made late in ‎disease progression. The most effective therapeutic strategy is surgical resection, but it is not ‎curative and is restricted to early-stage diagnosis. While clinical trials have improved the five-‎year survival rate to 9%, less than 20% of patients survive for a year despite decades of ‎research.‎‎

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‎It is imperative to develop ‎robust, systematic screening to identify novel, effective PDA therapeutics for the early stages ‎of the disease and after successful surgical resection to delay and prevent relapse. It is the ‎strategy of AIkido to identify better therapeutics by screening drugs in primary cell culture ‎then validating them in a mouse model of early disease progression.‎

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