In after-hours trading on Wednesday, Greenpro Capital Corp. (NASD: GRNQ) was soaring on the charts, up 7.27% to trade at $1.18 at the last check after the firm got an award.
Which honor has GRNQ received?
The SME Association of Malaysia presented the APEC Enterprise Award to Greenpro Capital (GRNQ) last week during its Platinum Business Awards 2022. The honor is given to Greenpro Capital in appreciation for its support of SMEs and business owners via the provision of financing options and unconventional means of obtaining money.
The Covid-19 epidemic has demonstrated that “business as usual” can no longer support the shifting environment of business today, making the Platinum Business Awards 2022 topic “Resilience, Globalization, Digitalization” appropriate.
In September 2022, Green-X, the first Shariah Compliant ESG Digital Asset Exchange in the world, was introduced to aid small and medium-sized business owners in gaining access to alternative, regulated platforms for fundraising, to advance financial products, and to encourage greater financial inclusivity.
Security Token Offering (STO), its main product, promises to assist underserved firms in digitizing, securitizing, and tokenizing their illiquid assets and ultimately raising money for company development. GRNQ anticipates a sizable number of foreign issuers to list on its Shariah Compliant ESG Digital Asset Exchange due to the global trend toward ESG and decarburization.
The SME Association of Malaysia’s strategic relationship with GreenPro and the Green-X, Shariah Compliant ESG Digital Asset Exchange, will be a powerful driver in supplying fresh funding and alternative, regulated means of fundraising that benefit its members.
What makes GRNQ so eloquent?
The SME Association of Malaysia’s award recognizes GRNQ’s dedication to its active support of the SME community. Greenpro Capital (GRNQ) may actively help businesses, particularly those in the ASEAN area, obtain access to alternative, regulated fundraising channels and list on the biggest capital market in the world.