Why Enochian Biosciences, Inc. (ENOB) stock Skyrocketed today?

Shares of the Enochian Biosciences, Inc. (ENOB) stock had skyrocketed today on June 14, 2021, following the announcement of FDA acceptance of Pre-IND request for a potential functional cure or treatment of HIV by Enochian Biosciences. ENOB stock price saw an uptrend of  165.76% to reach $11.72 a share at the time of this writing. ENOB stock went up by 0.46% at the previous closing. Let’s deeply look at the recent events of ENOB stock.

Acceptance of Pre-IND request

Dr. Serhat Gumrukçu, who is the co-founder of Enochian BioSciences and Director of Seraph Research Institute had submitted the request forPre-IND acceptance. The request was based on results taken from the 54-year-old patient suffering from HIV. The patient didn’t suppress the virus with antiviral activity. The patient then showed the 255-day control when treated with Natural Killer (NK) and Gamma Delta T-cells (GDT) which were collected from the other person. In the 255 days, the patient was not treated with any antiviral treatment.

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The innovative cell theory can play an important part in achieving the functional cure against HIV as it would allow individuals suffering from HIV to stop antiviral treatment for long periods. Dr. Mark Dybul said that it is important to evaluate this innovative approach in the larger population for an extended period in order to deeply test this novel NK-GDT treatment.

Previous Development

On March 25, 2021, Enochian BioSciences in collaboration with Seraph Research Institute(RSI)  announced the complete remission of a 36-year-old patient who was suffering from recurrent glioblastoma for a tenure of 15 months. The patient was treated with natural killer (NK) and dendritic cells (DC) by SRI and the dendritic cells were taken from a relative of the patient who had a partial genetic mismatch.


ENOB stock is hot among investors so far after the announcement of acceptance of Pre-IND by the FDA and the per-share price has increased more than double as a result of this announcement. The innovative cellular way of treatment could be the hope for those individuals who are tired of conventional antiviral treatments which also result in many side effects.

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