Yesterday’s closing price for Anything Technologies Media, Inc. (OTC: EXMT) was $0.0089, up 32.84%. The volume of the EXMT stock traded in the session was 142.27M, compared to its average weekly volume of 33.92M. Recent developments and update on CBD plans seems to be motivating the rise in Anything Technologies Media stock price.
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Recent developments:
Anything Technologies Media manufactures and markets CBD Health products and software applications. Investing in new technologies and manufacturing sectors is a big part of what EXMT does, and that led the company to have Corporations as its subsidiary.
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Management at EXMT and partners includes experts in finance, manufacturing, marketing and distribution. A cohesive force will enable EXMT to move forward in the market by blending the expertise of its team members.
Anything Technologies Media announced recently that their subsidiary, Sonoran Flower, doubled its cultivation level by expanding a facility it already owns. EXMT updates the investors saying that:
- With the additional space EXMT expects to expand its indoor craft flower business.
- With this expansion Sonoran Flower will be able to accommodate light deprivation greenhouses.
- Two retail locations have also been secured by EXMT in Arizona to prepare itself for expected Marijuana setup.
- Corporate attorney of EXMT continues to work on the name change for the company to “Alternative Wellness Health”.
- EXMT expects approval and a resolution to be issued soon.
- The passing of Arizona’s Proposition 207 legalizes recreational use of cannabis in the entire state.
- A passage of 207 and a House vote to decriminalize cannabis dovetails with the promise from the President to decriminalize cannabis federally.
- Investors will regularly be informed on Anything Technologies Media (EXMT)’s progress in this business sector of CBD.