Is There Any Explanation For The 88% Rise In Anpac Bio-Medical (ANPC) Stock In Pre-Market Today?

This morning in premarket session, AnPac Bio-Medical Science Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: ANPC) has been in an upward trend. The stock of the biotechnology company focused on early cancer detection and screening was up 88.39% as of this writing. The stock rose after this morning’s announcement by the company that it had completed the development and evaluation of a multi-cancer detection sensor.

With over 128 issued patents, AnPac Bio is a biotechnology company that focuses on the early stage of cancer diagnosis. AnPac Bio performs cancer screening and detection tests, including CDA (Cancer Differentiation Analysis) , biochemical, immunological, and genomic tests. It has two certified clinical laboratories in China and one CLIA and CAP certified clinical laboratory in the United States.

A Frost & Sullivan study ranked AnPac Bio third in the world among companies offering next-generation early cancer detection and screening technologies in terms of screening and detection samples used by clinicians. Retrospective validation studies indicate AnPac Bio’s CDA technology can reliably identify more than 20 cancer types.

AnPac announced today it has conducted evaluations and completed the development of a CDA Pro Sensor (CDAPS) for the detection of multiple cancers. A number of technologies have contributed to CDAPS’ improved performance, including detection signal stability, improved yield of the cancer detection device, reduction in cost, and improved sensitivity and specificity.

More specifically, the sensitivity and specificity of cancer detection in retrospective clinical sample tests reached greater than 95% which also reduced the sensor cost by nearly 137%. The new generation sensor’s design, fabrication, and packaging systems have improved significantly, making the new generation sensor capable of detecting subtle changes in biophysical properties in a blood sample and further enhancing the company’s competitiveness in cancer screening.

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