On the OTC market, Beyond Commerce Inc (OTC: BYOC) closed the last session up 92.31% to $0.0075. About 694.10M shares changed hands during the session, ranging in price from $0.0041 to $0.0088.
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What does the company do?
In global B2B internet marketing analytics, technology, and services, Beyond Commerce is based on industry variations of “big data” firms. The goal of the Company is to develop and deploy innovative strategic software technologies that will draw on the opportunity for internal development and maximize cross-selling opportunities. A coherent global digital goods and services approach is intended by Beyond Commerce to provide consumers with a common point of interaction with their big data, marketing, and associated sales strategies.
Recent developments:
Peter Stazzone was recently appointed as Chief Financial Officer by Beyond Commerce. Mr. Stazzone has more than 25 years of experience in start-ups, rapid growth, and multi-billion dollar companies in finance, operations management, and accounting. Since 2018, Stazzone has been a member of the company’s Board of Directors and the Chairman of its Board’s Audit Committee.
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Geordan Pursglove, the Chief Executive Officer of Beyond Commerce, commented that they are incredibly happy to see Mr. Stazzone join them as Chief Financial Officer in a full-time capacity. His diverse breadth of expertise from financing and operations at start-ups to rapid growth scenarios and multi-billion dollar corporations would be invaluable to the company as it strive to expand its business sustainably and through targeted acquisitions and continue to strengthen its capital markets presence.