Creative Medical Technology Holdings (OTC-CELZ) stock soared emphatically as it recorded a rise of 159.92% to $0.0805 at the previous close. The Stock performance over the last week was 211.20% versus its monthly performance of 266.36%.
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Company’s Info
CELZ has been listed on the OTC under the symbol CELZ for some time now. It specializes in regenerative medicine/stem cell technology in areas such as immunotherapy, urology, neurology, and orthopedics.
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Latest Update
On February 8, 2021, it was announced that Dr. Caigan Du, Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, was recently recruited by Creative Medical Technology Holding’s Scientific Advisory Board as the Company’s Scientific Chairman.
In molecular and immunological studies of kidney failure and rejection, Dr. Du is a prominent researcher. Du is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Kidney Foundation, among others.
Dr. Du. said in a statement that in this exciting field of reprogramming immune cells for regenerating injured kidneys, I am honored to join Creative Medical Technology Holdings. Today, people still consider regenerative medicine and immunology separate fields. This is the way ImmCelz works: ImmCelz works in a way that immune cells can act as a stimulator for regenerative processes.
Allogeneic JadiCell stem cells are incubated with patient cells in ImmCelz’s proprietary laboratory, generating a personalized cell therapy. As has been demonstrated in part by one FDA clinical trial, the JadiCell possesses potent ability to reprogram the immune system, extending the survival time of COVID patients significantly.
Researchers found that the ImmCelz treatment was effective against animal models of rheumatoid arthritis, liver failure, stroke, type 1 diabetes, and kidney failure. According to scientific studies, ImmCelz triggers the release of a fundamentally important molecule known as Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) and stimulates T regulatory cells, which are a type of immune system cell that suppresses pathological immunity.
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As a result of the news, the confidence of investors in the company has risen as they believe the company is moving in a positive direction and this special addition to the Creative Medical Technology Holdings (OTC-CELZ)profile will add much-needed value for years to come.