The closing price of American Battery Metals (ABML) was $3.79 on Thursday, down -1.30 %. Contrasting the 30-day volume of 17,913,439, 6301,042 shares were traded yesterday. There are currently 502,691,229 outstanding shares of ALPP, worth 1,905,199,758.
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Company Operating details:
Through its three divisions: lithium-ion battery recycling, extraction technology, and primary resources, American Battery Technology Company is uniquely positioned to supply battery metals. The Company recently unveiled its plan to recycle used lithium-ion batteries at its facility in Fernley, Nevada. It issued a recent shareholder letter on its significant achievements over the past year.
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What has been happening with the ABML stock:
It was reported on February 4, 2021, that American Battery Metals Corporation (OTCQB: ABML) had been selected to receive a grant of $4.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office.
This funding opportunity is claimed to be a part of a DOE effort to lessen American dependency on imported critical materials. It seeks to do so by diversifying domestic sources and setting up domestic processing capabilities for necessary materials.
Ryan Melsert, Chief Technology Officer, said in a statement that they are excited to have been selected for this opportunity along with their industry partners. We can’t wait for this first-of-its-kind proposal to move forward with bench-scale validations to the construction, commissioning, and operation of a multi-ton per day integrated system.
On January 22, 2021, we reported that in response to speculation on E.V.s, the ABML stock price has risen over twice that amount since mid-December. Though headlines have been scarce, many factors should be considered when searching for catalysts. Included in this list are the Company’s expansion plans. Accordingly, the American Battery Technology Company is proposing a name change.
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Strong growth rates were observed in previously deemed niche areas, resulting in strong overall performance. Based on this and the current situation of EV-related stocks and the push for green energy by the New U.S. president, American Battery Metals (ABML) could continue to move forward shortly at least.